KDS Insurance Services Blog Page 29
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019Good Morning and what a beautiful day we have! I have been thinking about a client of mine, he and his wife are seniors and as such they are on a fixed income and they are from the generation of organized and detailed consumers. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 26, 2019Each state sets laws determining who handles paying for an accident after it occurs. When two parties collide, determining fault is not always the goal. In some states, each person’s insurance pays for the losses. How does this work? Are you in a no-fault or at-fault state? READ MORE >>
Monday, March 25, 2019Hi out into the cosmic world of the internet...just imagine how different our world is now with the internet. There are so many great things the internet has given us but let's not be naive because the internet has also created lots of crime, it can divide families, friends and you can lose so much financially including your identity. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 22, 2019Hello again and Happy Friday. What a glorious spring day I didn't want it to end. Another very important facet of taking control is preparing for those harsh and very destructive Texas Spring storms. Normally we see these storms develop late in April and then explode in May. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 21, 2019When a storm comes through any community, it can cause damage to property in a matter of minutes. Many times, the damage comes in the form of structural losses, such as the roof blowing off the property. Other times, it creates risks that go further, such as leaks that can cause you to lose the inventory in your business. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 20, 2019Well today is the day and I am taking control! You may ask control of what...I am so glad you asked. My reply is one thing at time that makes me the women I am today. My life's work has given the history, experiences and story to bring me to this moment. READ MORE >>
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